Team fabulous
- Snittlängd på lunchpaus: 15 minuter
- Standardfrasen på kongressen: Det löser sig! (Det gör det alltid #Timbuktu)
- Antalet koppar kaffe: Oräkneligt (Let’s not even go there)
- Redbull: För att det är bra att varva kaffet med nåt…
- Nya besattheten: Matcha latte (så äckligt att det blir gott!)
- Gånger vi brutit ihop: Ungefär 48
- Teamets nya titel efter kongressen: Team Awesome (för det var vi verkligen)
The last couple of weeks the texts from my friends have gathered on a small pile in my inbox. Though I consider myself to be exceptionally good at using those short breaks for answering the standard reply has these past weeks has been ”Have an event/am onsite - I’m alive again in a week.”
Last week the congress I have spent 7 months preparing for opened the doors for 1900 participants from all around the country.
As always with events, the weeks prior were dominated by long days (read: nights) at the office together with a team that consisted of a Project leader Ala and our Delegate & Hotel Coordinator Helle.
Twelve hour days have been filled with emailing, texting and calling speakers and exhibitors to ensure that everyone shows up at the right time. Then there was the production of the last signs and of course putting in the last orders.
Onsite I spent two intense days running across the venue, hanging backstage with technicians and with my little black bag loaded with an incredibly handy survival kit there really were no problems I couldn’t solve.
Two minutes after the venue had been cleared out we packed up and headed back to the office to unpack.
When it was over it felt, just as everyone said it would a bit empty. My baby had grown up and left the nest - all the preparations, emailing and well, all that work and pouf! gone.
Luckily Helle is a woman with an amazing sense of when a situation calls for champagne and abracadabra - 3 glasses appeared from thin air and three beyond exhausted girls finished a long week with a glass of champagne at the office.
A summary of the past 4 weeks
- Average length lunch break: 15 minutes
- Standard phrase onsite: Everything will be alright!
- Number of cups of coffee: Countless
- Redbull: Because you need something other than coffee
- New obsessions: Matcha latté (so bad it tastes good after a while!)
- Times we broke apart: Approximately 48
- Our teams new title post-congress: Team Awesome (because we were)