making a change
Sometimes you just have to follow that feeling telling you to just do it. Whatever the "it" might be. So I did.
For me the "it" was to leave Stockholm in search of adventures. Not just on a vacation basis but on an everyday-life one.
So just over a month ago I did what I have always wanted to do; I got a one-way ticket away, to London. About two weeks ago I took the train to the airport, had a glass of medicinal - as Miss Fisher would say - then I got on the plane. Unlike Phryne Fisher I was not flying the plane but taking me away, but hey, I am only just 31.
Of course there was a lot of work before this, much of it involving Google - the source of all that is. And before I knew it the date of departure arrived and as I am writing this I am sitting on my kingsize bed somewhere in the South of London.
Two weeks in London has been, busy. Two days upon arrival I had found a home, four days later, worked my first day at the new office located in the City and by the end of the first week I was taking the train to Manchesta (Brighton-girls :D). Well, not really, the train was to Liverpool where I was Onsite support on my first event. Since it had been a couple of very intense weeks, packing, moving, starting a new job and so on, I then caught a cold, lost my voice and started a diet on hot water, lemon and honey.
So, here I am, getting over my first London-cold, binge-watching Friends and Modern Family and just longing to get back out to continue exploring London.
It's funny that before moving, I always thought of it as this huge project that I wouldn't even know exactly where to start. But since I did it. I mean it REALLY IS a project, a huge one. But it's true what they say. Nothing worth doing, worth while is ever going to be easy.
But it will be worth it.
Just some Monday words of wisdom.

How to Protect Yourself and Family from nCov 2019 guidelines
There are more than 85,000 infected COVID-19 cases all around the world!